SW Indonesia

Fueling Prosperity: The Road to Successful Investment in Indonesia

investment in indonesia

International Conference on Chinese Companies in Indonesia (IC3 Indonesia 2023) is organized by SW Indonesia and features Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Ph.D., as the keynote speaker on “Economy and Opportunities of Investment in Indonesia”. He is very representative as a speaker on this material because of his experience as Minister of Finance (2014–2016), Minister … Read more

Pioneering Non-Traditional Services in Accounting Firms

The Panel Discussion (25/05) was one of a series of events held at the SW International Partners Conference 2023 (SWIPC 2023). Related to the theme of the conference “Sustainable Quality Growth in a Challenging World,” this Panel Discussion raised the sustainability of accounting firms, including affiliated companies that have been attached, such as tax consulting … Read more

Digital Innovation: Igniting a Transformational Era of Business Advancement

digital innovation

SW International Partners Conference 2023 (SWIPC 2023) invited an Expert in Information Technology and Digital Transformation, Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit, PhD., as an expert speaker to provide the latest situation of the business environment in Indonesia – with the material on “Digital Innovation”. The presentation of complex material across disciplines is presented in the English … Read more

Geopolitics: Navigating a World of Boundless Opportunities


SW International Partners Conference 2023 (SWIPC 2023) presented the Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, General (Purn.) Moeldoko, PhD., as the keynote speaker with the insight material “Geopolitical Future” on Wednesday, May 24 2023, at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta Hotel. The conference, which was attended by 138 company leaders from … Read more

SW Indonesia Terapkan Layanan Inovasi Digital untuk Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan

CHAIRMAN SW Indonesia Ahmadi Hadibroto menjelaskan jaringannya menerapkan inovasi digital sejak masa pandemi. Bahkan saat ini SW Indonesia bersiap meluncurkan unit bisnis yang berfokus menawarkan layanan jasa inovasi digital dan informasi teknologi. Perusahaan Ahmadi menjadi tuan rumah konferensi SW International di Jakarta pada Selasa (23/5)-Jumat (26/5).

Konferensi SW International: Inovasi Digital Tantangan Sekaligus Peluang Mewujudkan Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan

INDUSTRY.co.id, Jakarta-Inovasi digital mengacu pada penerapan baru teknologi dan solusi digital untuk membuat temuan atau peningkatan terhadap produk, layanan, proses atau bisnis model. Pemaparan mengenai “Digital Innovation” ini dipaparkan oleh Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit saat tampil sebagai pembicara seminar bertema “Sustainable Quality Growth in A Challenging World” pada Rabu (24/5) di Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta.

Inovasi Digital Tantangan Sekaligus Peluang Wujudkan Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan

Inovasi digital mengacu pada penerapan baru teknologi dan solusi digital untuk membuat temuan atau peningkatan terhadap produk, layanan, proses atau bisnis model. Pemaparan mengenai Digital Innovatio’ ini dipaparkan oleh Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit saat tampil sebagai pembicara seminar bertema ‘Sustainable Quality Growth in A Challenging World’ di Jakarta, belum lama ini.

SW International Gelar Seminar Pemberdayaan Investasi China di Indonesia

Marketing.co.id – Berita Marketing | Indonesia masih menjadi tujuan investasi asing, termasuk investor asal China. Guna mendukung perwujudan transformasi ekonomi nasional dan menarik perusahaan – perusahaan China berinvestasi di Tanah Air. SW Indonesia menggelar seminar “Empower Chinese Enterprises to Progress in Indonesia” di Ballroom, Hotel Mandarin Oriental Hotel.